Beautify Your WordPress Blog with Free WordPress Themes

Are you new to blogging? It always seems to be challenging to make your blog stand out from among so many others that are already well established in the worldwide web. It is difficult to stand out and not just blend in. If you have recently tried out the free WordPress blogging platform to share your personal thoughts on current events, your hobbies, and even the excitement of your life, and you feel as if the overall look of the blog does not suit or fit you, do not despair. There are ways by which you can beautify your blog site and make it your own.

Beautify Your WordPress Blog with Free WordPress Themes

This is where free WordPress themes come in. If you scroll down to the foot of any free WordPress blog, you will see a phrase that says that particular website has been created with a particular theme. You will see the theme name there as well. The theme name is usually clickable, meaning that you can view more information about that certain theme, should you like to use it for your own blog or simply try it out. This is another marketing strategy for theme creators to make their themes known to more people. And it has been proven to be effective too.

If it turns out that you do not like that theme, you can browse from among many others. Simply go to your Dashboard. Once you are logged into your WordPress account, you will naturally see a navigation panel where you can see a button for the Dashboard. This is found at the top of the page and is usually very hard to ignore. Also, when you are logged into your account, WordPress usually leads you directly to your Dashboard.

You will know that you are already there because you will see different controls for the settings, the header, the background, some comments on your posts if there are any, and other notifications. The Dashboard usually looks a bit cluttered to someone who is using WordPress for the first time, but this is only because there are so many things that you can tweak there, so many settings that you can modify. This is also the area in your site where you can moderate comments, likes, reblogs, and so on. You can choose to either accept a comment or reject it, depending on whether or not it seems to be a genuine comment or just spam.

On the Dashboard, you will see a panel labeled Appearance. When you click that, you will see options for themes, among others. Simply click for more free WordPress themes, and from there you will be led to many other themes that you can choose from.When looking for a specific kind of theme, you can input on the search option, and wait until the search results are displayed on the page. You can click on any of the results and try it out for your blog. In addition, it is also ideal to obtain the best host which help you run the perfect theme with so much convenience.