How to Guide for Improving User Engagement in WordPress

As a professional blogger, we generally write about tips on improving web traffic of a site, promotion of a blog or making money online. But in reality, it takes sincere amount of time and effort to learn these simple-looking tricks or tactics.

If you really want to improve the quality of your work, you need to implement the learning techniques in such a way that they not only give you the best possible results but also prove to be the milestones in the long run.

With the above advice, today we are going to explore some practical tips that every WordPress site owner must take in consideration whenever thinking about Improving User Engagement of their site.

Now, you must be thinking about the concept of user engagement and its importance in WordPress. So, without wasting a minute let’s get down and understand the significance of user engagement and how it can help you generate quality leads for your WordPress site.

Importance of User Engagement

Website owners create sites with an aim to attract and engage a large number of web audiences towards their business. They create content on a blog or site to convey their desired message to their users in the most engaging way. And, in return, expect something from their visitors, like filling an information form or subscribing a newsletter or clicking our affiliate links.

Whatever it is but one thing is sure that we all want something in return from our users and that something cannot be fulfilled if a visitor is not ready to spend time on our site. And here comes the role of User Engagement. The more time a reader spends on our blog, more is the chances of fulfilling of our objective via user.

It means that the today’s web users not only want informative content but also expect fast loading web page that can save both their time and effort. In fact according to The Moz research, the conversion rates of WP sites increased by 14 percent when the loading time of landing pages reduced from 5 seconds to 2 seconds.

So if you want to improve the quality of your site, you need to maintain a balance between your web design, functionality, loading speed and quality of your content.

Here are the tips that can enhance the user engagement in your WordPress site.

User Engagement Tips

1. Create superior content


Content in itself is one of the most effective tools that can drive more traffic to your WordPress site. But for that you need to create unique, quality and informative content that can encourage users to read your content whenever they visit your site.

So, write or publish the blog posts in such a way that can keep the readers navigating your site and give them a reason to stay longer on it. This way you can improve the user engagement on your site.

2. Optimize your blog post

A blog post is a gateway that can help you drive web traffic towards your website.

Hence, it becomes imperative for you to optimize each and every post pages of your site so that the reader can be thoroughly engaged. If a visitor is reading one page and wandering away, it will definitely reduce the conversion rate of your site.

So, optimize your posts in such a way that can push your visitors to discover more of your pages, without any hindrance.

3. Interlinking of the pages

This technique plays a great role in keeping user engaged because many times user wants to explore more information while reading your post. And in this effort, he would leave your site and goes to search other site – which is bad for your site.

Therefore, it is better to link from one blog post to another that can impart equal level of information to your readers. But, make sure that you interlink at least twice on each of your blog post. You can also link to tag pages and category too.  You can also install Better Internal Link Search plugin.

4. Related posts at the bottom

Another best way for user engagement is showing related posts at the bottom of each post or bottom of the concerned page. We cannot let our visitor go, without showing related posts. It is because after completing one post, many viewers usually tend to read the related posts which are very beneficial for a blogger. This is also one of the ways to keep our reader busy on our site.

5. Optimizing key pages

Every blog or site has some pages that are very popular among web visitors. They want to spend their most of the time on these pages which makes them the key pages of a site.

Thus, you should always take care of your key pages as this can generate more leads to your site. By analyzing the user flowchart between the pages we can find out best or most-liked pages of a site. Once recognized, it is mandatory to keep that page in your mind and regularly update as well as optimize them for better user engagement.

6. Social Media Sharing

If we are talking about user engagement, how can we overlook the most trending online marketing tool i.e. social media? You can add social media icons on each of your web pages to encourage visitors to read and share your content on social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest, Stumblepon, etc.

Fortunately, there are tons of social sharing plugins available for free wordpress themes as well as paid versions, that can help you embed beautiful social sharing buttons, without any coding.

But always remember one thing don’t attach too many social media buttons. Embed four to five buttons, in order to attract the user to keep engaged.

7. Subscription Form after every post

Last but not the least is to show subscription form at the end of every post. One survey shows that viewers gave their information to those blog that showed subscription form more times to the viewer in comparison to those who didn’t show it. You can pop up the subscription form again and again on your web page to enable visitors to fill the form. This not only improves user engagement but also improve the conversion of your site.


If you really want your user to spend more time on your blog/site with WordPress, follow the above mentioned tips and you will see amazing results in a couple of days.