Weekly WordPress Roundup #9

WordPress is on its route to changing lifestyles for many individuals.

In the challenging environment where different CMS are building their positions, WordPress is maintaining and growing compassionately.

I am sharing the stats from WordPress.org which amazed me.

Only 20.2% of websites are upgraded to WordPress 4.2.

Weekly WordPress Roundup #9

It’s our responsibility as by being a part of the WordPress community to enforce the updates. We are a family. Any WordPress website got hacked or suffered from any vulnerability is our dead duck. WP Daily Themes and other WordPress resources always encourage you to check and update websites timely.

WordPress Security Release

After the dispatch of WordPress 4.2, vulnerabilities jingle the core to rush for updates. Last week, websites get alerts for WordPress 4.2.2 with some utmost changes. In our trend to share different thoughts on the topic, we listed the uttermost WordPress blogs.

WP Tavern shared the report on the XSS vulnerability in Jetpack and Twenty Fifteen Theme affecting WordPress users. This post was later updated with the news of WordPress 4.2.

Peter Nilsson actively helping our readers and users by testing the new versions. He shares his thoughts on the security and maintenance release covers under WordPress 4.2.2.

Exclusively posting on the new releases with detailed explanations, Zain Imran, a new face in content department of Cloudways, delineate the necessity of WordPress 4.2.2 security update.

WordPress For Beginners

Generally considered reputed agencies with disparate tutorials helping out the noobs with logics in WordPress. Ragnar Miljeteig writes a journey from helping out yourself to the appropriate resources for the beginners to learn WordPress.

The industry has a lot of folks who are famous for their generosity to support the newcomers with their coding problems. This is a welcoming and open nature of our friends in WordPress community-making.

WordPress In Near Future

Predictions on the basis of proof matters. Last day, WP Tavern posted a guest blog written by Peter Suhm of WP Pusher. Title of the post claims WordPress prophecy in three major changes.

Similarly, Tom Ewer is tracking the Founder of Automattic, Matt Mullenweg’s conferences and shared the thoughts on wpmudev about the highly in discussion topic of WordPress JSON Rest API. Tom initiated by saying, “Anyone paying attention to Matt Mullenweg’s public appearances over the past twelve months will have noticed the steady beating of one particular drum: The importance of the WordPress JSON REST API to the future of the platform.”

What are your predictions for WordPress in near future?

WordPress Agency or Freelancer

You have to make a website for your business or portfolio. Where should you go? To start from scratch, you can choose a freelancer. It might be a one time job. You will pay a fixed amount decided for the project and it’s a one time fee. Working with an agency is totally different. A WordPress agency would not only make your website, but, they will take care of all the updates. Agencies work on monthly incomes or yearly contracts.

In the process of solving the problem of a business owner at Clarity.fm, Chris Lema finds the difference to choose between a freelancer and WordPress agency. Lema is a WordPress geek and writes daily on arbitrary topics. His expertise helped many individuals in their WordPress journey.

Chris Lema added, “Hiring a WordPress freelancer allows you to develop trust and rapport, which is huge!” While for the WordPress agencies, he said: “The benefit of working with distributed teams is that you can have some working while you’re awake.”

WordPress Businesses

The diversified content management system has options for all the categories of the web industry. From blogging to top notch e-commerce websites, WordPress has the solution for you. Growing a business with WordPress gets a support from the community.

In this era, categorization is essential for making the right choice. There can be hundreds of options available under each tag. WordPress community has passionate professionals working in their own expertise for the growth of themselves and WP. These individuals turn out to be the big agencies.

When you think about the latest updates, WP Tavern is the first name comes to mind. Similarly for WordPress SEO plugins, Yoast is the smart option. Tom Ewer listed the founders of WordPress and other well liked businesses at Elegant Themes.

Useful Tutorials

  • Beginner’s Guide to Messing Around with WordPress (No Code Required)
  • Creating Winning WordPress Author Profiles and the Tools to Help You Do It
  • How to create better, more accessible WordPress themes
  • Adding a Microblog within Your WordPress Blog
  • How To Email Authors for New Comments on WordPress
  • The Complete Guide: How to Work Successfully with Freelancers from Upwork and Elance
  • Methodologies to Make Your WordPress Site Mobile-Friendly

WordPress Resources

  • Top 20 Fresh and Reliable News Portal WordPress Themes to Make Your Readers Informed and Protected
  • Best WordPress Themes That Can Be Totally Customized
  • Find Fastest WordPress Themes and Plugins on WPSpeedster.com
  • Best Free & Premium Arts & Crafts WordPress Themes 2015

Product Reviews


  • EP135 – Random Conversation about WordPress Topics

Ending Notes

We believe that our roundups are helpful for you and hoping to promote the weekly insights for WordPress. Feel free to drop your feedback and let us know about your satisfaction with our roundup posts in the comments below.