The Importance of Website Design for Social Media Marketing

website design

Over 5 billion users are present on the internet worldwide, and with the advancement of technology, this number will continue to rise in the coming years. No matter the industry, businesses need to have a strong online presence to improvise their digital and social media marketing strategy. One of the best content management systems, WordPress … Read more

The Great Adventure of Candidate Sourcing Software and Recruitment Hacks: A Journey to the New Age of Hiring

recruitment hacks

Greetings, wise and adventurous recruiter! Pack your bags and fasten your seatbelt, because we are about to embark on an exhilarating journey through the captivating lands of candidate sourcing software and recruitment hacks. Along the way, we might share a chuckle or two because, let’s face it, a journey without laughter is like a ship … Read more

Why Google Doesn’t Like Your Content And How To Win Them Over

content marketing

Many content creators out there bemoan the fact that Google doesn’t rank their content higher, as if it is yet another sign that life is unfair and they aren’t getting the right breaks. In reality, Google has algorithms and criteria that should be met and standards that they hold you to. Once you start reaching … Read more

10 Marketing Metrics that you Should Always Be Measuring and Why

marketing metrics

Digital marketing is a complicated beast but it is relatively easy to tame if you know how. It doesn’t matter if you have just started or want to revamp your marketing strategy; you need to check various aspects on regular basis. Marketing is all about planning, executing and analysis. The analysis part is very important … Read more

Complete Guide to Launching an SMS Marketing Campaign

sms marketing campaign

Are you looking for a way to reach and build customer relationships? SMS marketing is an amazing tool enabling your businesses to do just that. It’s a great way to stay in touch with your customers, send promotional messages, or broadcast important updates. The first step to any successful SMS marketing strategy is understanding how … Read more