Infographic Friday – 15 WordPress User Errors That Make You Look Silly

The working week is over for most of us and it is Friday and we like that, right? But for us as running blogs, we love to write regardless we are free or not. It is in the blood. Addicted to our blogs. But it is not that bad as it sounds. I really love what I am doing and I’m guessing you guys do too.

Today I want to highlight an awesome infographic from Copyblogger – 15 WordPress User Errors That Make You Look Silly. My question to you is how many of these errors have you consciously or not consciously experienced? When you think about it, it may feel a little awkward right?

Do not despair because there are fairly simple solutions to most of these known errors.

So you have to work consciously with slow load times, updating WordPress regularly with new versions, delete unused plugins, remove Index.php in your URL to point out a few examples.

The infographic is designed by Copyblogger Media’s Lead Designer Rafal Tomal. Make sure your WordPress website isn’t falling victim to any of these silly errors. Have a relaxing weekend.