How To Design The Contact Us Page Of Your Website

Your contact us page is your last attempt, the last step in the ladder, your last chance to convert your website visitors into paying customers or get some potential clients.

Therefore it should be crafted with some care.

Below I present you with some time tested tips and tricks to help you craft good contact us pages.

It should have your contact details

Do I even have to mention this? Yes I think I should because I’ve seen many bloggers ignoring this basic rule of thumb!

Ideally your contact us page should have all the methods people can use to contact you. Different people prefer different methods of getting in touch.

So in addition to having a neat and clean contact form you should also include your Twitter handle, link to your Facebook page, Skype ID and any other online profile you have.

Also including your postal address is not yet out of fashion so you may add it if you want.

Do use a form

It’s important that you use a contact form. Some people just publish their e-mail ID with a hyperlink. This gives rise to two problems.

One – When a user clicks on that link he will be taken to the default e-mail client on his machine. Now the user might not be using that client. He may be a fan of Gmail or Yahoo! I certainly don’t want to send anybody e-mail through my unconfigured Outlook Express.

Two – Publishing your e-mail ID online that too with a hyperlink is a sure fire invite to spammers.

It should work

Again this should be obvious but you may be surprised by how many people neglect it. Your contact form should work properly. After embedding the form on your site be sure to check that it’s working by sending a few e-mails to yourself. If you encounter a glitch get it rectified by a coder.

Write good copy

This is essential. The content you write on your contact us page should be of a very high quality. Keep in mind that if a client is hovering on your contact page, then most probably he is already impressed with your work and is thinking whether to hire you or not. A single grammar mistake or a tiny spelling mistake may compel him to reconsider his position.

Pull him in by writing compelling content. Let your passion bleed through the words until it is clearly visible.

Urge people to contact you

The purpose of your contact us page is that people should contact you, of course. So urge them to do so.

By this I don’t mean a simple statement like – “Please contact us by using the form below”.

Use a somewhat different statement because almost everybody is using such simple language.

Statements like – “We love getting mail” or “We are always online and will reply very soon” can send powerful messages.

I hope this article will help you create better contact us pages. Let me know in the comments below if you know of any other good tip.