Bloom – The Ultimate Email Opt-in WordPress Plugin?

Are you familiar with sentence – The Money Is In The List?

Which means if you want to monetize your website, a newsletter or mailing list is absolutely necessary if you want increase your revenue. A list refers to a database of names, email addresses or other information you collect from customers or visitors. To increase more revenue, the conclusion is simple. You need to get more email subscriber to promote your business, products or articles.

But how do you achieve this the best way?

We are talking about WordPress so the obvious method and the best way is to use an Email Opt-In plugin. Building your email list is the hard part. To succeed you need effective tools. There is a plethora of  WordPress plugins, both premium and free that you can use to increase your email subscribers. Some well-known and highly recommended plugins are OptinMonster, Ninja Popups for WordPress, Popup Domination and SumoMe. Maybe you use any of these plugins on your WordPress website?

There is a competing new Opt-In WordPress plugin in town that you ought to take a look at.

Let me introduce:

Bloom – The ultimate email opt-in plugin?

Bloom - The ultimate email opt-in plugin from Elegant Themes?

Elegant Themes is a well known and a major WordPress themes club with over 250,000 customers. They offer a variety of stunning WordPress themes such as Divi for a very low and affordable price. When you join the club you get access to all their current themes and plugins like Monarch, and also upcoming future releases. I am a member and can use all their themes and plugins whenever and wherever I want. which means lots of advantages? Which leads to this article today.

I downloaded Elegant Themes latest plugin – Bloom, to have a look how the plugin worked. If you want to join the club, you can sign up and choose the plan that works best for you and start download tons of great themes and plugins such as Bloom. Alrighty then! Let’s get started!

Setting up Bloom

Bloom is a WordPress plugin that can help you grow your email list by adding email opt-in forms to your website. Bloom includes 6 different kinds of opt-in forms such as Pop-Up, Fly-In, Below Post, Inline etc. You can create as many forms as you need. There is no limit. Once you have downloaded Bloom just install and activate the plugin as usual. In your admin area in WordPress, you find a new tab – Bloom.

Before you can create your first opt-in form on your website, you need to connect the plugin to your email marketing provider. Bloom supports different systems, such as MailChimp, Constant Contact, MadMinim, iContact, InfusioSoft, Feedblitz, Aweber, Campaign Monitor, GetResponse, SendInBlue, MailPoet and Ontraport.

Add New Accounts

Bloom from Elegant Themes - The Ultimate Email Opt-in WordPress Plugin?

Click on the Bloom Settings, Email Account and Add New Account. Select from the various different account types that Bloom supports. I choose MailChimp because it is the service we use on our website. Now you will be prompted to verify the account and connect with the system’s API. Each account could have different methods for verification. But the most common method is connected via API key or AppID. When you have added an account, it’s time to create your first opt-in form.

Creating An Opt-In Form

Bloom from Elegant Themes - The Ultimate Email Opt-in WordPress Plugin?

Click on the Bloom tab > Optin Form in your WordPress dashboard. From here you can manage your opt-ins or create new opt-ins. Click the “New Optin” button. Select any of the 6 opt-in types you want to use and where you want to place them.

  • Pop-Up – The pop-up opt-in creates a lightbox pop-up on your page that contains your opt-in form.
  • Fly-In – The fly-in creates a smaller form that slides up from the bottom corner of the page.
  • Below Post – This creates an opt-in form that is automatically added to the bottom of your posts or pages.
  • Inline – The inline opt-in allows you to add an opt-in form anywhere inside your posts and pages.
  • Locked Content – Locked content requiring visitors to sign up before they get access to content on your website.
  • Widget – The widget opt-in automatically generates an opt-in in the form of a widget.

When ready, and you have chosen an opt-in type, you see an opt-in creation screen where you can customize a lot of opt-in settings in 3 categories. Setup, Design and Display Settings.

Opt-In Setup

Bloom from Elegant Themes - The Ultimate Email Opt-in WordPress Plugin?

Add a name of your opt-in form. Select Email Provider. Select from associated email lists.

Opt-In Design

Bloom from Elegant Themes - The Ultimate Email Opt-in WordPress Plugin?

Design your opt-in form. Select from a list of pre-made templates with over 100 design variations. Customize background color, text color, orientation, image and much more.

Opt-In Display Settings

Bloom from Elegant Themes - The Ultimate Email Opt-in WordPress Plugin?

Define when and where to display the opt-in form on your website. Such as on all of your posts, but not any of your pages. Save all your setting.

You have finished creating your first opt-in form

Bloom from Elegant Themes - The Ultimate Email Opt-in WordPress Plugin?

Switch to the frontend of your website and have a look at your opt-in form. Looks amazing, right? Play around a bit to create your own opt-in forms with your colors and settings or check out the Bloom demo for more inspiring demos.

Managing Your Opt-Ins

Bloom - A Email Opt-In Plugin For WordPress

If you go back to your Bloom settings panel – Click on Options form, you can see your newly-created opt-in has been added to the page. From here you can modify, delete, de-activate or create split tests for this opt-in using the various settings icons. More features and options as you optimize and manage are:

  • Generate Shortcode
  • Split Test
  • Disable opt-in form
  • Duplicate
  • Delete forms
  • Modify forms

Bloom Statistics

Bloom from Elegant Themes - The Ultimate Email Opt-in WordPress Plugin?

In the Bloom setting in your dashboard, you find a tab – Statistics. Using the stats page you can get an overview how well each of your opt-in forms is performing and how fast your email list is growing.

More Bloom Features

Bloom from Elegant Themes - The Ultimate Email Opt-in WordPress Plugin?

Select from 3 Opt-In Form Orientations

Bloom from Elegant Themes - The Ultimate Email Opt-in WordPress Plugin?

Form Borders

Bloom from Elegant Themes - The Ultimate Email Opt-in WordPress Plugin?

Form Edges

Bloom from Elegant Themes - The Ultimate Email Opt-in WordPress Plugin?

Image Orientation Options

Bloom from Elegant Themes - The Ultimate Email Opt-in WordPress Plugin?

Unlimited Color Options

Bloom - A Email Opt-In Plugin For WordPress

Extensive Font Options

Wrapping up

Bloom is an Email Opt-In WordPress plugin which working perfectly. It’s one of the best, if not the best plugin I’ve tried in this genre. I’ve tried a lot.

It’s very easy to get started with Bloom. I also like there are so many configuration possibilities to create unique and beautiful opt-in forms and how they can be displayed in different areas of your website. Bloom will surely be a big seller for Elegant Themes. I started the article with the question if Bloom is the Ultimate Email Opt-In WordPress Plugin? My answer is, yes it is one of the best opt-in plugins, without any doubt.  I recommend Bloom to all of you who want a flexible, easy-to-use and effective email opt-in plugin for your WordPress website.

Have you had the opportunity to try Bloom yet? What’s your opinion?