The benefits of cross browser testing in cloud platform

Websites are the best online platform for all the business sizes and organizations. Yes, it is the most popular digital communication medium. Thus, the world has witnessed tremendous growth in the web development area. Not only the websites but also the browsers have become smarter, all these developments are progressing with the common goal of improving the speed and quality. Automation testing is a reliable solution to stabilize a website in terms of performance, appearance etc. The cross browser compatibility is the elephant in the room when it comes to website development.

Cross compatibility is the compatibility between a web application to the various browsers, OS and devices and the combination of these becomes quite complicated to test. A cloud platform avoids all the complications associated with the physical lab for cross browser testing. In this blog we will discuss what is cross browser testing and also explore the benefits of using a cloud platform.

What is Cross Browser Testing ?

While testing a web application we need to make sure that it is compatible with the browsers and its versions, OS and its versions and devices with various attributes like the responsiveness, screen form factor etc. Cross browser testing is testing the web application across all the combinations of browsers, OS and devices so that the web application performs as intended across all the combinations.

Performing cross browser testing in a physical environment is very difficult because of the complicated combination of devices, browsers and operating systems on the other hand it’s not the case with the cloud platform. So let’s explore the other benefits of cross browser testing on a cloud platform.

Benefits of using cloud based platform for cross browser testing:

1. Parallel testing is simple and hassle free

Parallel testing increases the speed of cross browser testing by multiple folds. Parallel testing helps to perform testing across multiple combinations of device browser and OS at the same time with the help of automation testing tools. It provides better device coverage in the shortest amount of time without compromising the quality. A cloud-based platform is the best for performing parallel cross browser testing as there is no complication and huge investment required in constructing a physical lab.

2. Cloud based platforms are highly scalable

A highly scalable platform is the key for successful cross browser testing. As we know that the OEMs are releasing new device and OS versions every now and then, it is highly imperative to keep on adding new device versions as soon as they are released in the market. In cloud-based platforms you can add or remove new devices very easily just with the help of a few clicks.

3. Supports Automation

In a cloud platform you can easily integrate a number of tools that support automated cross browser testing for example Appium, Selenium web driver etc. In a cloud based platform you can easily perform parallel testing which gives a boost to the automation, the combination of which is a must for automated cross browser testing. A cloud based platform can easily support high end technologies like continuous integration and continuous testing which will increase the efficiency of cross browser testing.

4. Adaptable to the future requirements

Lack of adaptability and flexibility for cross browser testing is like fish without water. Cross browser testing for web applications is not a cake walk anymore, due to the number of os and browser versions releasing frequently. Hence we require a platform which is adaptable to the dynamic market.

A platform which is capable of integrating a new device with a new browser and OS version at any point of time in future, so that we do not fail in testing a web application’s compatibility with the latest change in the market. Hence a cloud platform is pretty good in being adaptable and flexible unlike the physical labs.

5. Accessible from anywhere and at any time

The greatest advantage of a cloud based testing platform is that it is accessible for 24/7 and can be accessed at any time and at anywhere. Also you can connect with any resource or any team from any part of the world and resolve any major issue by collaboration. Hence you can continuous cross browser testing at any given point of time, from anywhere without hindering the business continuity.

6. Requires less resources

Performing automated cross browser testing in a well-equipped cloud platform requires just a team of skilled engineers who can make smart decisions about utilizing the tools to its fullest capability and also collaborating with the clients in a timely manner to confirm whether the application is working as intended. This way you require very few resources as compared to the physical labs with a lot of complications in setting up the right environment.

Hence a cloud platform is simple and easy to get a job done and secondly it supports collaborative tools which helps to bridge the communication gap between the engineers and the stakeholders. This way a cloud platform will help to get you the accurate and customer centric approach of developing an application.

7. Provides flexible working hours to the team

As per the reports, the productivity of the employees shooted by 50% on providing flexible working hours. As we know that a cloud based testing platform is accessible for 24/7 provided your net connections are in place. Hence in a cloud based testing platform the team members can work at any point of a time and from anywhere. As we know that cross browser testing is complicated even if you use an automated testing platform, collaboration between teams will help to detect and rectify the bugs earlier. In such a scenario working in flexible hours will help.

You can keep working as well as collaborating with the team even if you have left from your workplace. You can take some time to relax and focus on a complicated test case and get back to your team while working from home. Hence a cloud platform should be utilized to its fullest during by providing flexible working hours.

8. Saves time and money

In cross browser testing, you need to regularly upgrade your platform by scaling new devices to keep in pace with the dynamics of the mobile market. This causes huge investment and inconvenience for physical labs. But in case of cloud-based platforms it’s just a matter of a few clicks to add new devices, also you can save a lot of money in investing for only those devices which are required in the project and this is possible because you can easily add or remove devices in the cloud platform.


Cross browser testing is one of the most crucial testing techniques required to develop high performing web applications. A cloud based platform makes the cross browser testing much much simpler than the physical lab. Parallel testing, scalability, automation, accessibility, collaboration and cost efficiency are some of the major advantages of using the cloud based testing platform which solves the purpose of delivering speed and quality in application development.

For efficient cross browser testing, we require cloud platforms which are highly scalable, flexible and adaptable, delivering speed at quality. A cloud platform like pCloudy supporting a large number of device browser combinations would be ideal. Likewise there are many cloud based web application and mobile application testing platforms providing excellent cross browser testing and other features to aid your business goals, but my point is that a cloud based testing platform is an excellent choice for cross browser testing as other than the benefits mentioned above in the blog, it will help you maintain business continuity even during the odd circumstances like the pandemic!