Tips for Creating Your Online Portfolio

For any artist wanting to get their name out there, having a website has become a necessity.

In a world where so much communication is now done electronically, potential clients nowadays expect to be referred to an online portfolio.

There is a lot to consider, and your choices can mean the difference between you landing a job or losing a buyer.

Your Website Should Match Your Art

If you are an artist dealing in black-and-white photos, don’t place a background full of bright colors behind the examples on your website. Keep in mind the style of your artwork, and design your website around it. The two should blend together seamlessly and complement one another. In many cases, a subdued color pallet is the way to go.

Once you’ve decided on your style, do not change it from page to page. If you are inconsistent, people will find it jarring. Your choices in web design are important, but this is an instance where you don’t want anyone to notice it over your artwork.

Keep it Simple

Nothing will frustrate a potential employer more than convoluted web design. No one wants to browse over your page just trying to figure out how to view your pictures. Make your online portfolio easy to access, and label things clearly. Make sure that your links stand out against your background so that those viewing the page know that they are links. Being flashy won’t earn you any points.

Your website is a way of presenting your art, you do not want anyone becoming distracted by your web design choices. It is not what you are trying to sell. If you do it right, your visitors should simply remember the artwork you uploaded for them to see, rather than noting your choice in layout. It is said that you have no more than five seconds to keep an industry professional interested before they exit your website.

Do not make your website so complicated that they are left searching for the content for those five seconds. On that note, shop around for good website hosting options. You also don’t want them spending that time waiting for your website to load.

Get to the Good Stuff Quickly

Putting your best foot forward is important. Even if you lack confidence in your artwork, don’t let that be apparent in your web design choices. Display your best works on the front page, you want them to be the very first thing that anyone sees. In this instance, more is not necessarily better. Do not try to fill up your website with every piece of art you’ve ever done, only show your best.

Many websites start with a warm welcoming that leads into the content, but when it comes to an online portfolio you want the content to speak for itself. Keep your introduction short and sweet. List your name, what you do, and your contact information. Leave them to assume the rest based on the pictures they see. The most important thing is to hook them; once you have caught their interest, they will seek out the rest.