WordPress 4.1 Beta 1 was released a few days ago. Have you had time to test 4.1 Beta 1 yet? There are some new great features to try but remember, the software is still in development. Which means that you are not recommended to use this version to your regular blog and website.
If you don’t have a test site to play with the beta version you can create a local installation of WordPress with tools like Wamp. Or Instant WordPress (InstantWP) for even easier installation. It can run from a USB key. For Mac use MAMP.
WordPress 4.1 is scheduled for release next month, according WordPress roadmap. December 10, 2014 if the schedule holds. If you want to test WordPress 4.1 Beta 1, you need to install the WordPress Beta Tester plugin (you’ll want “bleeding edge night lies”). Or you-can download the beta here (zip). Some of the highlights for users to test are:
- The new default theme, Twenty Fifteen.

- The new distraction-free writing mode for the editor.
- The ability to automatically install new language packs right from the General Settings screen (available as long as your site’s file system is writable).
- A new inline formatting toolbar for images embedded into posts.
There are a of changes for developers to test as well, such as:
- Improvements to meta, date, comment, and taxonomy queries, including complex (nested, multiple relation) queries; and querying comment types.
- A single term shared across multiple taxonomies is now split into two when updated.
- A new and better way for themes to handle title tags.
- Several improvements to the Customizer API, including contextual panels and sections, and JavaScript templates for controls.
If you think you’ve found a bug, you can post to the Alpha/Beta area in the support forums. You can also check out the list of known bugs and everything that been fixed so far.
What do you think of WordPress 4.1 Beta 1? Great improvements, or not?