10 Essential Elements for WordPress Ecommerce Theme

A well-designed online storefront is your ticket to increased brand awareness, consumer engagement, and revenue. However, this is only possible if you get the design element right. The user experience provided by the website’s front end is crucial to the success of any online store. It significantly affects what you offer and how your store design and development will be portrayed in terms of intuitiveness, user-friendliness, usability, navigation, etc.

In a nutshell, your store is your brand’s virtual representation. Consequently, the success or failure of an online store may be attributed directly to its front end.

Whether you create the theme yourself or hire a professional from a renowned firm like IKONIC US, concentrate on compulsory design elements. Some of these elements strive to convey a narrative and explain your eCommerce site’s core. At the same time, others aim to attract users’ attention right away or enhance their experience across all devices.

At the same time, it’s not necessary to use all of the elements. Doing so might lead to a crowded and confusing experience. However, some essentials boost the overall appeal of the store and improve the conversion rate.

This article will help you zero in on the most crucial elements of the current WordPress eCommerce theme that will significantly impact your online store’s success.

Consistent Branding

People commonly confuse a brand with a logo. Although a logo is a component of a brand, it is in no way representative of the brand as a whole. A brand’s logo, colors, taglines, and product are all common elements. A brand isn’t what we tell customers; It’s what customers tell others. Branding gives your product or service identity in the eyes of consumers, inspiring them to purchase the mere sight of your name or logo.

On the other hand, an eCommerce branding strategy goes beyond the development of aesthetic elements. While developing a connection with your consumers, your eCommerce branding strategy allows you to manage and steer their expectations.

Many businesses feel helpless in the face of their consumers’ perceptions of their brand, but you can define how you want to be viewed and remembered. You can create a distinct personality for your eCommerce business that sets you apart from your competition, even if your items are comparable. Customers will recognize you because of your own personality. While designing an eCommerce WordPress website theme, you have to be consistent with branding throughout the theme. Logos, colors, and images are all part of branding.

Customer Ease

The shopping landscape nowadays differs from what it was a little over a year ago. As more and more people purchase online, eCommerce customer care has become a focal area for most organizations. You must give them a straightforward, effective, and hassle-free shopping experience to attract new and retain existing consumers.

Give them a wonderful experience, and they’ll purchase more, be more loyal, and tell their friends. Many customers seem to be dissatisfied. It’s an experience disconnect: corporations advertise cutting-edge technology or slick design but haven’t focused on the most important component of consumer experience.

What factors contribute to a positive experience? Convenience, speed, Consistency, and human touch, All of these provide ultimate customer ease. This, as a result, creates genuine relationships by making technology seem more personal. Incorporate all of these factors in designing your WordPress eCommerce thing to provide ease to the customers. Customer comfort and ease are everything. Get it right

No-Fuss Design

People that visit websites prefer to do so on aesthetically appealing sites almost sixty percent of the time. When it comes to the design of homepages, having fewer elements is preferable. It may be tempting to include a lot of information or photographs, but remember that doing so may cause your visitors to get overwhelmed.

Imagine that your site is the front door of your shop. You wouldn’t display every single item up for sale in the store’s front window, would you? Instead, you should focus on engaging and enticing clients by utilizing just a few words or phrases that effectively express your most crucial message and pairing those words or sentences with eye-catching imagery.

White space, often known as “negative space,” provides the elements of your website with the opportunity for balance and breathing room. It helps customers digest and grasps your material while simultaneously reducing the number of distractions they experience. For example, on product pages, the use of bullet points is one way to help make the material easier to scan.

Keeping Up With Trends

Trends are not set without reason. They personify the interests of the masses. When designing a WordPress eCommerce theme, you have to keep the customers and their interests in mind. You have lost potential customers if you fail to capture their interest in the first couple of seconds. This is where trends come in. Using trends in themes can get the attention of the audience. You can easily sell your products now that you have their attention.

If you want your site to be well accepted by clients and users, you should stick closely to current web design trends. Consumers will make snap judgments about your company based on how it looks. Your website’s design and content should convey who you are as a business and your commitment to doing serious business online. While designing a WordPress eCommerce theme make sure to imply the positive trends in UI for the boosted outcome.

Coherent Structure

The structure and organization of your site’s information are crucial. An eCommerce store’s navigation and content should be laid up in such a manner that no customer will be led astray or miss any crucial calls to action. Make sure not to hide the obvious or make users hunt for the important parts. The navigation system needs to be consistent and adhere to regular patterns. The end result of any choice must be very clear. Nothing inconsistent should get in the way of the user experience.

Each page’s worth of text should flow together logically. A logical progression from one thought to the next is required. Each idea should expand upon the last, filling in any blanks and creating a comprehensive picture of the company and its wares.

Play With Colors

Yes, we have somewhat discussed colors before, but colors are not just limited to branding. They do inspire a sense of reliability and trustworthiness in your site design. Using the right color pallets makes every nook and corner of your website brandish but the color of tones is not just limited to this. Colors do so much that it won’t be justice if they don’t have a separate spot for theme design essentials.

Color is a very effective medium, and its psychological effects may be used for strategic gain (and drive some serious sales in the process). It is important to take advantage of the fact that people’s reactions to and purchases from an online store are influenced by the colors used across the site.

Make sure to include the right colors while designing your theme for an eCommerce WordPress website. For instance, If you want customers to buy something, use a bold color like red for the CTA button. According to research, turning a button red may improve conversions by a staggering 34 percent. This is because, according to color psychology, red evokes sentiments of excitement and passion, which are driving forces behind spending.

CTA That Invokes Action

In eCommerce, a call to action (CTA) or CTA button should make it obvious to customers what they should do next. They may do this for a variety of reasons, including adding an item to their virtual shopping cart, signing up for a service, or completing a purchase. A “call to action,” or CTA, is a crucial part of any website since it indicates to the visitor what they should do next.

Consider a call to action (CTA) as a signpost; without it, the user may be confused about what to do next in order to finish a purchase or sign up for a newsletter, for example. By providing consumers with clear directions, a powerful eCommerce CTA may boost conversions.

Getting users farther down the conversion funnel requires minimizing the number of obstacles they encounter along the way. It’s quite OK to have many separate CTAs on each page, each with its own unique text, size, color, and links. No one method can guarantee success when creating a CTA. Whether by size, form, language, or color, it must be noticed on the page.

Don’t make your audience go searching for the CTA button, give them the right when they need it. Invoke the urge to take action by using solid colors. If you want to do a bit extra use shadows and material design to make it clickable

Mobile Responsiveness

Users can instantly access websites, applications, and games thanks to the proliferation of smartphones. Additionally, in our modern day, consumers value ease above everything else, and this includes the retail sector. Since it enables the convenience of having goods sent directly to one’s home after an online purchase. You’re probably losing clients if you run an online e-commerce store but haven’t made it mobile-friendly.

Maintaining a competitive edge in the market and expanding your pool of prospective consumers requires a responsive store across mobile, tablet, phablet, and desktop platforms. Customers purchasing from mobile devices will have a poor experience if your store doesn’t adapt to their screens. Therefore, having a design that is both engaging and straightforward is crucial if you want customers to purchase your goods without hesitation. Also, a responsive layout is crucial for good search engine optimization outcomes.

Strong Imagery

Online shopping differs from in-store shopping. Shopping requires dressing and leaving home. Online shopping from home has fewer dress restrictions. Whether they purchase online or in person, individuals shop differently. Sales are mainly affected by consumer decision-making variations. Shoppers may examine things from all angles at a real store.

They can hold and turn it. They sense weight and surface. They perceive color (though fluorescent lighting can do strange things to the appearance of color). They assess craftsmanship. They can test levers and buttons. They can estimate the size. Exploration and contact with a product might help a buyer decide to purchase (or not) and feel confident in their choice.

Online shopping removes product handling. Instead, consumers must use shop reputation, product reviews, textual specs or descriptions, and two-dimensional photos to decide whether a product is worth the price and meets their demands. Make sure you get that part right. Use high-quality and vibrant images with zoom capabilities. This will allow users to see every detail of the product they might be interested in.

Perfect Typography

Clean, web-safe fonts that are simple to read are used in modern online design. The typography used in the design may have an influence on the overall vibe of the website. It also impacts consumers’ initial perceptions of the site. Typography is also an aspect of branding. Using distinctive or modified fonts that symbolize the product or service may aid in the brand’s recognition. Many contemporary websites employ larger fonts and proper line spacing to increase text readability. Black and gray are the dominant hues, with limited opportunity for bright colors.

For body copy, a minimum size of 16 pixels is recommended to ensure legibility. Use a contrasting font for headers and accents; however, don’t use more than three different fonts or make arbitrary alterations to the font sizes. Avoid the glaring red font on the green backdrop combination by using a lighter hue for the text and a darker tone for the background.

Wrapping It Up

There are so many important things in an eCommerce store, like live chat support and easy payments, that boost the conversion rate. But for designers designing the theme, sticking to the essentials and fulfilling the basics required by competition may be more than enough for what you can do just in designing.