Before launching your new WordPress website, you should consider how you will add up your entire launch. There is lot of work to do before you can release a website. But while you are working hard to make your site ready a good idea is to use a coming soon or maintenance page.
Even if your website is under construction, there is no reason not to let your visitors get notified when your website will launch! With a coming soon theme or plugin your visitors can subscribe to your newsletter, follow you on your social media networks like Twitter, Facebook, Google + or Pinterest.
Today I found a new great free WordPress plugin with a really cool look and feel. It is developed by ThemGrill and comes with the suitable name Maintenance Page. With this plugin you can quickly create a maintenance and coming-soon page while your website is under development. Let your visitors know when your website will launch like in the demo! Get new readers and subscribers even before you’ve opened.
The Maintenance Page plugin is easy to use. It comes with a built-in options panel where you can enable the maintenance page. Add your own logo, background image, social icons, color, subscribe field and much more. Maybe you wonder how you install the plugin? Here is how!
- Login to you WordPress website
- Search for Maintenance Page in your plugin page and choose install.
- Activate the Maintenance Page plugin.
- Configure the plugin under the Settings: Maintenance Page in your dashboard.
More features included in the Maintenance Page plugin are:
- Responsive design
- Logo upload
- Background image/color option
- Subscriber feature to collect emails
- Download subscriber list as csv
- Social icons
- Font color option
- Add title, text message option
- Option to exclude page
- Custom CSS
If you’re looking for a simple plugin to quickly create a coming soon or maintenance page? I suggest you try the Maintenance Page plugin from Them Grill.
pretty cool PlugIn! The guys from Themegrill fixed a minor Bug which appears in some cases over night! Perfect support! Thanks!