Where to Place Email Subscription Forms on Blog: Right Place to Place

You’ve developed your website by investing a hefty amount of money and time to make every page perfect. What if your site is performing poorly when it comes to attaining the ultimate goal – an increasing conversion rate? There are certainly some questions that are continually making you worry like how can I increase conversion … Read more

How to Guide for Improving User Engagement in WordPress

As a professional blogger, we generally write about tips on improving web traffic of a site, promotion of a blog or making money online. But in reality, it takes sincere amount of time and effort to learn these simple-looking tricks or tactics. If you really want to improve the quality of your work, you need … Read more

How To Make Your WordPress Site Load Faster

How To Make Your WordPress Site Load Faster

In a time when almost everything in this world is instant, waiting for a WordPress page to load—even if it takes a couple of seconds, can be one of the most annoying things in the world. It should be instantaneous, right? Like when you hit enter or click the link, everything should be loaded in … Read more

Top Tips To Secure WordPress Site From Attack

Ways to Secure Your WordPress Sites

WordPress Sites count to be a soft target for attacks owing to plugin vulnerabilities, poor passwords, not so upgraded software versions and so on. To lessen the risks of such security threats, businesses need to hire WordPress developers who take care of managing every single aspect, thereby delivering sites with a reliable and secure connection … Read more

How To Select A Good WordPress Theme For Your Blog or Website?

High Quality Free WordPress Theme

Whether you want to build a website to sell your products, create an official blog for your company, write about your personal stories, show your portfolio to your potential clients, or just having fun writing about the things that you love, you can do it with WordPress. This content management system makes it easy for … Read more

Why To Choose WordPress for E-Commerce Websites?

Right from a simple publishing platform to an exceptional content management system, WordPress has evolved tremendously. This CMS powers some of the most influential websites and sums up for nearly 26% of all the websites. This whopping number is more than enough to demonstrate that how popular WordPress is. Now this CMS is all around … Read more

Choosing the Right Color for WordPress Theme Designs

You must have heard the phrase that colors can have the power which can directly affect your eyes or soul to easily change your emotion, attitude or perception of how you look at things. Some even argue that colors speak louder than words and sometime all you need is just a little splash of colors … Read more

Should You Use A Theme Or Custom Build A WordPress Site From Scratch?

As we all know, WordPress is the most commonly used CMS (content management system) on the internet. Nearly 23.5% of top websites today are powered by WordPress along with 48% overall marketshare among CMS. Ideally, there are basically two types of WordPress websites. There’s themed sites that install a pre-built theme and then there’s custom … Read more